Tempera paint (add a few drops of liquid detergent for easy cleanup)
A brush or sponge
Paper to print on
Newspaper for practice prints and to protect surfaces
Plastic apron
For a stamp pad: A tray or pie pan with a sponge, or a thin sheet of absorbent sponge-like packing foam, or a piece of felt or folded paper towel
Brush it on:
Some children are able to handle a brush and apply paint on the hand by themselves. Most others will need help to brush it on. (Try more than one color on the same hand.)
Sponge it on:
Dip a sponge in paint and gently dab onto their hand, or let the child pat the sponge until the hand is coated.
Stamp it on:
Make a stamp pad, placing a damp sponge or thin sheet of packing foam on a tray, or in a pie pan. Spread a spoonful or two of tempera paint under the sponge or foam