You have several ways to get connected to services:

You can look through the services listed below and call the agencies directly.

You can contact us via e-mail or by phone at 1-877-271-7611, and a representative will help you find the services that will best serve you and your family.

You can answer a short questionaire by clicking here and a parentPRO representative will find the services that will best serve you and your family.

Home-Based Parenting Programs

Parents as Teachers: Northern Oklahoma Youth Services

Parents as Teachers builds strong communities, thriving families, children that are healthly, safe and ready to learn by matching parents and caregivers with trained professionals who provide home-based parenting support during a child's earliest years in life; from prenatal through kindergarten completion.

Address: 2003 N. Ash, Ponca City, OK 746101

Contact Name: Jeremy Jones

Telephone: (580) 762-8341


Enrollment Criteria: Pregnant women, moms, dads and guardians of young children birth to kindergarten

Other services for young children in your community

SoonerStart Early Intervention

Services include evaluation services, case management, family training, counseling, and home visits, certain health services, nursing & nutrition services, occupational, physical, and speech- language therapy, and special instruction. Can be provided in home or at daycare.

Address: Payne County Health Department - SoonerStart 1321 West 7th Street Stillwater, OK 74074

Contact: Please ask for SoonerStart

Telephone: (405) 624-0726

State Lead: Mark Sharp, Executive Director, Special Education Services

Website: SoonerStart

Qualification Criteria: Developmentally delayed infants and toddlers birth – 36 months.

The Share Center at Food and Shelter

The Share Center is a free grocery store (food pantry) and resource center for individuals and families living in Cleveland, Noble and McClain County

Address: 213 Reed Ave., Norman, OK 73071

Contact: Stephanie Lyness 

Telephone: (405) 701-1890

Fax: (405) 360-2144


Enrollment Criteria: Anyone can participate and receive donacted food, but they must be TEFAP eligible to receive USDA food. Automatic eligibility for anyone receiving SNAP, FDPIR, WIC, CSFP or CAC. Guests must show photo ID and current proof of residency each visit. Proof of residency/address must be dated within late the last 60 days and may include any utility bill, lease agreement, pay stub, Social Security letter, hospital bill, etc. Online bills will also be accepted via smartphone.

United Community Action Program, Inc.

Address: 501 Sixth Street Pawnee, OK 74058

Contact: Kim Rice

Telephone: (918) 762-2561

Fax: (918) 762-3712


Enrollment Criteria: Family with child age prenatal to three and/or age 3-5 living at or below 100% of the federal poverty line; or child age prenatal to 3 and/or age 3-5 with disability, of homeless family or of family receiving public assistance.